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3 Things You Can Do to Grow Your Business Regardless of the Market

Increasing Sales

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Friend, let me share something that’s been weighing heavy on my heart. Every week I get on coaching calls with agents who are panicking about this “slow market.” They’re saying things like, “The market is dead” or “I should just wait until after the election.”

Let me be direct: There’s no such thing as a slow market. There are only seasons of preparation and seasons of harvest. And right now, God is giving you a divine opportunity to prepare for what’s coming.

As someone who’s coached over 200 real estate agents and built multiple 7-figure businesses through market shifts, I’ve discovered that success isn’t about timing – it’s about preparation and perspective.

Understanding Market Cycles (And Why This “Slowdown” Is Normal)

Here’s a truth that might convict you: Every four years during election time, we see this same pattern. Buyers and sellers naturally want to see what happens post-election before making big moves. But here’s what most agents miss – this isn’t a signal to stop, it’s an opportunity to strengthen.

In Genesis, God showed Joseph there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Joseph’s success wasn’t in panicking about the famine – it was in preparing during the plenty. That’s exactly where you are right now.

The 3 Divine Principles for Growth in Any Market

1. Continue (And Strengthen) Good Business Practices

Most agents make a critical mistake during perceived slowdowns – they stop doing what works. Here’s the truth that transformed my business: Sometimes it’s not that you’re doing the wrong things, it’s that you haven’t done the right things long enough.

Action Steps:

  • Strengthen your lead generation systems: This isn’t just about cold calling – it’s about creating sustainable ways to attract clients that align with your personality. Whether that’s hosting seminars, building community relationships, or leveraging social media.
  • Perfect your seller systems: Documentation, templates, and processes that ensure every listing gets the same high-quality service. From listing presentations to closing day, your systems should run like clockwork.
  • Enhance your buyer systems: Create step-by-step processes that help buyers move smoothly from initial contact to closing. This includes consultation scripts, showing systems, and follow-up procedures.
  • Double down on profitable activities: Track what’s actually bringing in money and focus your energy there. Stop spreading yourself thin trying to do everything.

Remember Proverbs 31:21: “When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.” Why? Because she prepared during her season of plenty.

2. Double Down on Database and Follow-Up

Want to hear something that might convict you? Your database is worth more than gold right now. People are actively thinking about their next moves:

– Pulling out equity

– Building wealth through real estate

– Planning their next steps

But here’s the heartbreaking truth – if you’re not following up consistently, someone else will be there when they’re ready to move.

Action Steps:

  • Implement a systematic follow-up schedule: Don’t leave follow-up to chance. Create a schedule that ensures regular, meaningful contact with your sphere.
  • Create valuable touchpoints: Share market updates, investment opportunities, and community news that actually adds value to their lives, not just sales pitches.
  • Build relationships before you need them: Focus on genuine connection and service. The sales will follow naturally when you prioritize relationships.
  • Stay top-of-mind through consistent communication: Use a mix of calls, texts, emails, and social media to maintain a presence without being pushy.

3. Understand and Leverage Business Seasons

Ecclesiastes teaches us that to everything there is a season. The season dictates what you do – just like you dress differently in summer versus winter.

On my team, we’re gathering listings right now because this is our sowing season. When the market shifts (and it will), we’ll have inventory ready to move because we discerned the season and prepared accordingly.

Action Steps:

  • Identify your current business season: Are you in a season of sowing or reaping? Preparation or harvest? Let this guide your activities.
  • Align your activities with the season: Don’t fight against the season – work with it. Use slower periods for systems building and preparation.
  • Prepare for the next season: Like Joseph storing grain during plenty, use this time to prepare for future opportunities.
  • Use preparation time wisely: Focus on training, systems development, and relationship building during slower periods.

The Hidden Opportunity in Interest Rates

Here’s a bonus strategy you don’t wanna miss: When clients say they’re waiting for interest rates to drop, have this conversation:

“When interest rates go down, prices go up. Would you rather:

– Pay $50,000 more for a house with a slightly lower interest rate

– Or get the house $50,000 cheaper now and refinance when rates drop?”

My lender partners offer no-cost refinancing when rates improve – this is the kind of strategic thinking that sets you apart as a CEO.

Your Divine Assignment Starts Today

The reality is, growing a business takes time. But consistent activity leads to consistent income. Here’s your action plan:

1. Audit your current business practices

2. Set up systematic database follow-up

3. Identify your season and align your activities

4. Have strategic conversations about market timing

The Bottom Line (And A Word of Encouragement)

God didn’t bring you this far to leave you stranded. This perceived slowdown isn’t a setback – it’s a setup for your comeback.

In my Blueprint Program, we teach agents how to build sustainable businesses that thrive in any market. We don’t just react to market changes – we prepare for them strategically.

Your success isn’t determined by market conditions – it’s determined by your preparation, perspective, and persistence. Let’s get out there and make it happen!

Want to learn more about building a sustainable real estate business that works in any market? Visit or check out our Blueprint Program for complete business systems and strategies.

Remember: This isn’t a slow season – it’s your season of preparation. How will you use it?

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