If you want a straightforward, "this is what truly works, and it's a heck of a lot easier than what you’re doing now" method to grow your real estate business...

Consistently Make 6-Figures And Work Fewer Hours With The Right Systems

Imagine Having A Real Estate Business That Makes You Rich And Happy

Where your next client will come from because you'd have a steady stream of clients who appreciate you, value your time, and respect your expertise

Having to fill out applications for another 9-5 job because you'd be enjoying what you do and how you do it

Whether or not you can pay your bills next month because you'd be making 6-figures every year, regardless of market shifts 

you'd never have to worry about...

You've tried working longer hours, thinking that spending more time cold calling, showing houses, or posting on social media would get you more sales

you've tried almost everything to make more money in your business

You've tried piecing together advice from watered-down masterminds and YouTube trainings, but you still can't figure out what you need to do to get your business off the ground

You've tried to be like other realtors or "more extroverted," even though that's not your personality because you thought it would attract more clients

You've tried hiring a coach, but they just kept you motivated and told you what to do without giving you the steps on how to do it

You've tried to adjust your mindset and think more positively about your business, but no matter how many affirmations you repeat, it just doesn't seem to be increasing your motivation or your confidence

You've tried to cold calling like your brokerage told you to, but you absolutely hate it and that's the only way they taught you to get clients

but nothing seems to be working for you, which is a feeling i'm all too familiar with

i left my corporate job in 2017 and had no clue what i was getting myself in to

When I made the bold decision to leave my corporate job and pursue a career as a realtor, I didn’t have a plan B. I just knew I had to hit the ground running and start selling quickly.

After a year, my hard work led to burnout. I was working nights and weekends, checking my email every 5 minutes, and allowing clients to overstep my boundaries.

I was making money that I was too busy to enjoy and that was not a win for me.

i want to help you builld a life and business that you love

Introducing The Blueprint

A 12-month Mindset Coaching & business Skills Training Program Designed To help You Consistently Hit 6 Figures EVERY Year WITHOUT sacrificing the things that matter most to you.

The Blueprint Is For You If...

You’re struggling with traditional sales tactics and can't seem to attract clients who genuinely want to work with you

Let’s be real, traditional ways of finding clients are either too time consuming, too sales-y, or just don’t work in the current market. And who has time for another networking event or coffee date? You also don’t want to spend thousands of dollars buying leads or giving away half of your commission in referral fees.

In the Blueprint, you learn how to create a sales strategy that let’s you be you while attracting clients who actually want to work together.

You want to consistently earn 6 figures annually, regardless of how the market shifts

You’re tired of riding the commission wave - being rich one month then starving for business the following three months, I feel you. You want to have consistent revenue without having to work so hard.

This is one of the first things we work on when you join the Blueprint program. You'll get step-by-step instructions to help you consistently make 6-figures, even in a shifting market.


Feeling stressed and burnt out 24/7 from the hustle and grind of selling real estate is not what you signed up for. But lately, building your business has been consuming your life.

In the Blueprint program, I teach you how to consistently hit 6+ figures annually without sacrificing your sanity or personal time. I also give you the strategies you need to finally take a work-free vacation without worrying about your business falling apart while your gone.

You’re tired of feeling lost and want clarity ABOUT WHAT you need to DO to grow your real estate business

You don't have clarity, so you don't know what to do. You've been a “wake up and wonder what to do today" realtor and it's hard. You want step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions on HOW to strategically grow your business.

The Blueprint program is designed to give you this kind of clarity so your days can be intentional, not spent trying to figure it all out on your own.

I've helped 200+ real estate agents build 6-figure businesses and work fewer hours using systems.

are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Keyla's business thrived during a market shift because she had me as her coach to empower her to keep going.

client results:

- keyla, 1:1 COACHING CLIENT


You really pushed me out of my comfort zone. It was really uncomfortable at first, but you gave me steps on how to bridge the gap between where I am and where I want to be. 

"Cheesette really gave me another perspective on certain phrases that we tell ourselves & limited beliefs."

client results:

- yuliya, blueprint program member

We planned Yuliya's $250k year in 30 minutes and she was challenged to be more intentional about her daily activities

client results:

- nicole williams, 1:1 coaching client

The tools you have given me from our first session and afterward have helped me be a productive, not "busy" agent. You give me a goal each week, and I love how we begin each session celebrating my wins. 

"I love how you provide bible-based guidance that was motivating and much needed for my professional development. "

client results:

- leala, 1:1 coaching client

Leala's confidence skyrocketed after 4 months of 1:1 coaching with me!

client results:

business planning time management
so you know how to plan and prioritize your tasks to make the most of your workday

The 6-figure skills you'll learn in the program:

sales & client follow-up
so you can repeatedly get your business in front of new clients & convert them fast

client relationship management
so you can consistently provide high-quality service in half the time

ceo mindset
so you can be full of faith and resilience while building your business

business financials
so you know how track + predict profit and how to prepare for down seasons

You get 12 months of access to the program

tier 2

Exclusive Weekly Teachings: with access to all past recordings, so you always have business trainings and plug-and-play templates at your fingertips.

Monthly Masterclass with special guests: get a chance to hear from industry experts, so you can learn skills to improve your mindset, systems, and grow your business.
Weekly “Coffee With Coaches” Group Coaching/ Q&A (45-min) so you can get your questions answered quickly.

Weekly Devotional & Inspirational Emails for Entrepreneurs (every Sunday) so you can stay encouraged.

M-F Morning motivation texts to give you the “boost of confidence” you need to start your days off strong. 

Access to a private membership platform, so you don’t have to join another facebook group, and a discounted ticket to the annual CEO of Real Estate Conference

Buy Now Pay Later Is Also Available


tier 1

Everything you’re getting in the blueprint

Best Value!

Pay In Full for the year & get a 30-min business planning session with Cheesette


the investment:


You get 12 months of access to the program

Exclusive Weekly Teachings: with access to all past recordings, so you have exclusive business trainings and plug-and-play templates at your fingertips.

Weekly Devotional & Inspirational Emails
for Entrepreneurs (every Sunday) so you can stay encouraged

M-F Morning motivation texts to give you the “boost of confidence” you need to start your days off strong 

buy now pay later is also available


Pay In Full for the year & get a 30-min business planning session with Cheesette



or 4 monthly payments of

The doors to the program are open now, so you can join as soon as you're ready.

when can I join?

The Blueprint program is designed for realtors aiming to hit their first or consistent 6-figures in 12 months or less, without sacrificing all their time. This program focuses on systems for solo agents. The Scale to 7 1:1 coaching program is for realtors stuck at multiple 6-figures per year wanting to scale to 7. The program focuses on strategic opportunities for business growth and income streams that drive profit (ie: ancillary business, team building, product development). 

what's the difference between THE blueprint program and 1:1 coaching?

You receive access to all training, resources, and events as soon as you sign up to join the CEO of Real Estate Membership. Right after you click one of the buttons above to make your investment, you'll get an email from my team with further instructions and welcome goodies.

if i sign up today, when do i get access?

Due to the digital nature of this program, no refunds will be issued at any time. By investing in this program, you're agreeing to the policies listed here.

what is the refund policy?

Frequently Asked Questions